Centerra Gold Inc. announced that the
first gold pour from its Öksüt Mine in Turkey
occurred on schedule and ahead of
budget. Additionally, the project achieved
a significant safety milestone, achieving 2
million work hours Lost Time Injury Free.
President and CEO Scott Perry said,
“This is an important milestone for the
project and for the growth of the company
as Öksüt is now our third operating mine
and our third source of gold production
going forward. Reaching the first gold
pour is a testament to the dedication and
hard work that our Öksüt team has put in
to reach this goal safely.
“This milestone would not have been
achieved without the initial conviction
and perseverance from the Centerra exploration
team given that the Öksüt mine
originally started as a greenfield exploration
venture in 2009.
“Finally, I would like to thank all of the
stakeholders of the Öksüt Project, including
the local communities and the relevant
government authorities, who have worked
with us constructively over many years.”
As featured in Womp 2020 Vol 03 -