Orion, Byrnecut to Collaborate
on Prieska
Engineers inspect the shaft bottom at the Preiska mine, which last operated during the 1990s.
(Photo: Orion Minerals)
Orion Minerals has signed an agreement
with Byrnecut Offshore Pty Ltd. that
envisions an alliance for underground
mine development and production at the
Prieska copper-zinc project in South Africa’s
Northern Cape province. Ultimately
operations at Prieska would involve
mining and processing of 2.4 million
metric tons per year (mt/y) of ore for 10
years, to sell approximately 21,000 mt/y
of copper and 70,000 mt/y of zinc as
differentiated concentrates.
Orion was granted mining rights for
Prieska recently and this agreement paves
the way for Byrnecut to bring the benefit
of its experience to the project, which is
intended as a global-best practice mechanized
mining operation. Key terms of
the agreement specify that Byrnecut will
commit to promoting local employment
and skills transfer in support of transformation
of the industry and to collaborate
with local black economic empowerment
(BEE) enterprises.
As featured in Womp 2019 Vol 10 - www.womp-int.com