Diavik Yields Largest Diamond Ever Found in North America

Dominion Diamond Mines has reported recovery of the largest-known gem-quality diamond ever found in North America. The 553-carat yellow diamond was unearthed in October at the Diavik diamond mine, approximately 135 miles south of the Arctic Circle in Canada’s Northwest Territories. The find far surpasses the previous record of 187.7 carats held by the Diavik Foxfire, recovered in 2015. The Diavik mine is owned 60% by Rio Tinto and 40% by Dominion Diamond. Rio Tinto is the operator.

The gemstone was recovered while passing through the initial screening process at the Diavik recovery plant. As the diamond is still undergoing evaluation, it is too early to determine its ultimate value. Measuring 33.74 mm x 54.56 mm and weighing exactly 552.74 carats, a diamond of this size is completely unexpected for this part of the world and marks a true milestone for diamond mining in North America.

As featured in Womp 2019 Vol 01 - www.womp-int.com