Teck, Goldcorp Reactivate Major Project in Chile

A deep restructuring process led Goldcorp and Teck to carry out its most ambitious project in the Atacama region (northern Chile) through New Union SpA. This is a new company formed by Relincho Bermuda Ltd., AUR QB Ltd., Minera Goldcorp Chile SpA and Datawave Sciences Inc., which will seek synergies between the El Morro and Relincho projects.

Within this context, New Union SpA submitted an income membership inquiry to the SEA for the modification of its Prospección Minera Relincho (Relincho Mining Exploration) project, which foresees an investment of around US$3.9 billion. This was approved by Exempt Resolution N ° 188/2011 of the Atacama Regional Environmental Commission.

Prospección Minera Relincho temporarily stopped its drilling and exploration activities in 2013 due to the reformulation of the overall mining project. The Chilean National Geology and Mining Service, SERNAGEOMIN, were informed of the stoppage in due course.

As featured in Womp 2017 Vol 03 - www.womp-int.com