Do Nuclear Instruments Always Need
to Be Used?
Restricting the use of radioactive densitometers as a way to improve safety
in mining operations
By Sidney A. A. Viana
Nuclear or radioactive densitometers (See Figure 1) are the most commonly used instruments to measure the density of ore slurries flowing in pipelines. Some advantages of nuclear densitometers are: non-intrusive and contactless measurement; easy external mounting on pipelines; no need for process operation stoppages during maintenance interventions; and robust construction. However, they also have drawbacks: the need for permanent safety care due to the risks of occupational accidents involving ionizing radiation and the need for field calibration using actual ore slurry from the production process, which rarely covers the full operating range, resulting in poorly representative calibrations.
Nuclear densitometers are a mature instrument technology with proven feasibility in several industrial applications. On the other hand, there are also several non-radioactive technologies for liquid density measurement. Certain industries such as chemical, petrochemical and pharmaceutical have been successful in using non-radioactive densitometers, which are not yet common in the mineral processing industry, due to a lack of knowledge about how to appropriately apply them, as well as due to the harsh industrial conditions of the mineral processing environment.
At Vale, a large global producer of iron ore, nickel and copper ore, radioactive densitometers have historically been used in the processing of ore slurries. However, an effort to replace such densitometers with non-radioactive alternatives was initiated in 2010 by the Southeastern Ferrous Department. Initially a survey on the existing radioactive densitometers was carried out, and feasibility studies to replace radioactive densitometers by non-radioactive alternatives were developed. The first replacements were done in 2011 using differential pressure densitometers [12]. In the following years, other models of non-radioactive densitometers such as vibrating fork [13,14], microwave [15] and ultrasonic [16] were tested for feasibility to operate with iron ore slurries. Not all of them were proven suitable, and some suffered from fast wear caused by slurry abrasion. In 2014, the Executive Ferrous Operations Department requested the elimination of radioactive densitometers from all Vale’s iron ore operations in Brazil, based on the cases of success attained by the Southeastern Ferrous Department.
Restricting the Use of Nuclear Densitometers
Safety has been a subject of major concern
for the mining industry. Removing radioactive
instruments from Vale’s Brazilian iron
ore operations would eliminate occupational
and health safety risks related to the
use of such equipment. This initiative was
implemented by means of two work fronts.
Discarding of radioactive sources — The goal of this work front was the definitive elimination of radioactive sources that were out of operation and stored with no intended future use. In Brazil, the National Commission for Nuclear Energy (Comissão Nacional de Energia Nuclear, CNEN) [5] is the government institution responsible for regulating and establishing legal norms for the use of radioactive materials and equipment in the Brazilian territory. CNEN is affiliated with the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA). According to the CNEN norms, any radioactive source not being used in operation should be stored at a specific and safe place (a storage bunker), until it should be reused or discarded to a radioactive rejects receiver institution. However, no maximum time limit is set for the storage of radioactive sources by the users. This favors the occurrence of deactivated radioactive sources being indefinitely stored, with no prospect for reuse, constituting a safety liability. In a similar way, radioactive sources installed in the field but without effective use (for example, in a deactivated industrial plant) could also be discarded if they have no prospect of further use. In short, the discarding of radioactive sources intends to reduce or even eliminate the safety liability related to the storage of unnecessary sources.
Replacement engineering development — The goal of this work front was the development of basic engineering for the application of non-radioactive densitometers to replace radioactive units used in mineral processing facilities, taking into account the specific characteristics of each application and non-radioactive alternative (measuring principle, measuring range, installation aspects, etc.). The starting point for this work front was to understand the replacement initiatives done earlier by the Southeastern Ferrous Department, to identify the successful applications of non-radioactive densitometers and their potential for replication in similar mineral processing facilities. In short, the replacement engineering was intended to establish suitable technical standards for the use of non-radioactive densitometers in place of radioactive ones.
The Work Strategy
For all Vale’s iron ore operations in Brazil,
an inventory of existing radioactive
sources was created, as well as sources
planned for acquisition in new projects.
The inventory would help engineers understand
how the equipment was distributed
among the sites, allow them to plan
the activities for discarding (work front
1) and to develop the replacement engineering
(work front 2). In the inventory,
the equipment was classified as: In Operation,
Stored, Acquired in Project and
Planned in Project (See Table 1). Figure 1
shows the numbers of radioactive sources
ascertained by the inventory.
An assessment of the radioactive sources was made as far as the feasibility of elimination. Once all radioactive sources had been identified and recorded in the inventory, they were classified by their operational use and status, shown in Table 1. Those classified as In Operation were further confirmed as Necessary (without feasible replacement by a non-radioactive alternative) or Not Necessary (with feasible replacement by a non-radioactive alternative). Those classified as Not Necessary were then engineered for replacement. An additional classification regarding the elimination status of the radioactive sources is shown in Table 2, for the stored sources. Figure 2 shows the numbers of stored sources following this classification, for all operations departments. For example, 25 stored sources (23% of the total stored sources) were classified as needing to be eliminated.
In Brazil, activities for discarding radioactive sources must be done in compliance with the CNEN norms, specifically NN-5.01[8] and NN-3.01 [6]. Although the discarding activities can be carried out by the owner of the radioactive sources, it is strongly preferable to contract a disposal services company specialized in those activities. By this way, four service companies specializing in handling, packaging, transporting and delivering deactivated radioactive sources were consulted and evaluated, and one of them was selected for contraction.
To allow proper replacement of radioactive densitometers, specific technical documentation (e.g., specification sheets, datasheets, mechanical drawings and mounting arrangement drawings) was developed for the application of alternative non-radioactive densitometers, according to application criteria defined by VALE. An engineering services company was contracted to provide such documentation.
Work Front 1: Discarding of Radioactive Sources
Radioactive sources that have been laid
up and with no prospect of reuse are always
a safety liability. In Brazil, the discarding
of that equipment is subjected
to specific legal regulations, and must
be performed as a planned process of
handling, packing, transporting, and delivering
to a specific receiver branch of
CNEN. Among the CNEN branches qualified to receive deactivated radioactive
sources, three were considered: CDTN
(Centro de Desenvolvimento de Tecnologia
Nuclear, in Belo Horizonte, MG),
IPEN (Instituto de Pesquisas Energéticas
e Nucleares, in São Paulo, SP), and IEN
(Instituto de Engenharia Nuclear, in Rio
de Janeiro, RJ).
Work Front 2: Replacement Engineering
The object of this work front was to develop
the basic engineering for replacement
of radioactive densitometers by non-radioactive
alternatives. Some of those alternatives
were already in use at Vale and
other Brazilian mining companies, but not
all of them were operating efficiently. The
objective was to characterize more accurately
the cases of feasible application of
non-radioactive densitometers to minimize
the occurrence of failures due to the
inadequate implementation of potentially
feasible applications or the implementation
of actual infeasible applications.
Several non-radioactive densitometers
were evaluated for mineral processing:
• Coriolis [11]: Measures the density by
contact with a flowing liquid, using the
Coriolis principle, and are exclusively
applied to pipelines. They are currently
available for small- and medium-diameter
pipelines. For large-diameter pipelines,
they must be installed on a bypass
pipeline that samples the liquid from the
main pipeline. They have higher accuracy
and precision, but are not suitable
to operate with liquids containing solids
in suspension, due to clogging and/or
wear by abrasion. They are ineffective
for applications with ore slurries.
• Differential Pressure [12]: Measures the
density by contact with the liquid using
the hydrostatic pressure, which relates
the pressure of a liquid column to its
density. They have very good accuracy
and precision for applications in tanks
and reservoirs, if both pressure seals remain
submerged. They cannot be directly
applied to pipelines, since the liquid flow
invalidates the hydrostatic principle. For
such cases, the manufacturers usually offer
a “sampling vessel” for insertion of
the densitometer, to be connected to a
pipeline with pumped flow. However,
practical experiences have shown that
this solution is ineffective as the density
measurements are corrupted by pressure
variations in a pumped pipeline, and
the “sampling vessel” is often clogged by
settled solids from the slurry.
• Vibrating Fork [13,14]: Measures the
density of a liquid by sensing the resonance
frequency of a pair of vibrating
blades inserted into the liquid. They
have very high accuracy and precision,
and can be applied with success to
tanks and reservoirs, preferably with suitable mixing, for representative measurements.
They cannot be applied to
pipelines, due to quick wear by abrasion.
• Microwaves [15]: Measures the density
of a liquid from the time propagation
delay of microwaves transmitted through
a fixed path within the liquid. The higher
the fluid density, the shorter the propagation
delay. Those densitometers usually
have a tubular shape, for pipeline installation.
They provide good accuracy
and precision, but are unsuitable for
measuring abrasive liquids due to the
quick wear of their internal coating in
contact with the liquid. In a test conducted
by Vale in 2014 with a polyurethane-
coated microwave densitometer,
the equipment lasted only 20 days, due
to internal wear.
• Ultrasound [16]: Measures the density
of a fluid from the time propagation
delay of ultrasound waves transmitted
through a fixed path within the liquid.
The higher the liquid density, the shorter
the propagation delay. Like microwave
densitometers, they are usually
constructed in a tubular shape for pipeline
applications, and suffer heavily
from abrasion.
• Tomographic [17]: Measures the density
of a liquid by tomographic principle,
by sensing the liquid resistivity of the
passage of an electric current through
the liquid. The higher the liquid density,
the greater the resistivity. Those densitometers
consist of a set of electrodes arranged
on a tubular or rod-shaped body.
For applications with abrasive slurries
flowing in pipelines, there are tubular
models with ceramic inner coating,
which is more robust to wear than other
coating types like polyurethane. The rodshaped
models are suitable for density
measurement in tanks and reservoirs.
It is a promising new technology, but still
with few user references about its practical
• Gravimetric [18]: Measures the density
of a fluid by the gravimetric principle.
A straight tube with known length and
diameter is supported by one or more
load cells, which sense the mass of the
liquid inside the tube. The liquid density
is determined by dividing the sensed
mass to the known internal volume of
the tube. It has reasonable accuracy
and precision, if the pipeline operates
fully filled by the liquid. It cannot be
applied to vertical pipelines. Excessive
mechanical vibrations on the measuring
tube will affect the load cells and may
corrupt the density measurement.
In mineral processing plants, ore slurries
pass through pumping pipelines and
storage tanks, in addition to the mineral
processing equipment. Tanks and pipelines
have more appropriate conditions
for the installation of density measuring
instruments, depending on the measurement
technology used. Two key aspects to
consider in the application are:
• Abrasion — Flowing ore slurries are
strongly abrasive because of the movement
of ore particles relative to object
parts in contact with the slurry. Nonradioactive
densitometers usually perform
measurements by contact with
the liquid, and are therefore subjected
to some degree of abrasion, which may
significantly reduce their lifespan. Any
application of non-radioactive densitometers
to ore slurries must be designed
to minimize the effects of abrasion on
the instrument.
• Typical Installation Design — Each
type of non-radioactive densitometer
has a specific physical construction,
which determines the way it can be installed.
For example, tubular-shaped
microwave densitometers can only be
installed in pipelines. On the other hand,
rod-shaped differential pressure densitometers
are more suitable for installation
in tanks. Therefore, the development of
“typical installation standards” for each
application of non-radioactive densitometer,
considering the specific application
needs regarding the instrument
and the process, allows the standardization
of the applications and increases
the chances of success.
The assessments for elimination of stored
radioactive sources allowed the discarding
of 86 sources in 2014. According to
Figure 1, the original total number of radioactive
sources (In Operation + Stored
+ Acquired in Project) was 509 sources.
The 86 sources discarded represents a
reduction of 17% in the total number of
existing sources. For radioactive sources
classified as Planned in Project, recommendations
were made to change the engineering
designs to use non-radioactive
alternatives whenever possible.
The replacement engineering work front identified 71 feasible applications of radioactive densitometers that could be changed to use non-radioactive alternatives. The engineering project documentation for those applications were developed and delivered to the representatives of each department. However, the actual replacement of those densitometers depends on the implementation of the respective projects, through the acquisition and installation of the non-radioactive alternatives.
The results of discarded radioactive sources were considered an important milestone for the reduction of safety liabilities in the iron ore operations. Given the geographic dispersion of the site operations, the involvement of management levels of each site was fundamental to the success of this project. Systematic planning and follow-up was crucial to keep everyone informed of advances, problems and difficulties throughout the project.
The discarding of more radioactive sources in the following years depends mainly on the implementation of the replacement engineering projects, along with the maturation of the knowledge about the application of non-radioactive densitometers in mineral processing facilities. For applications with impracticable replacements, the use of radioactive densitometers should be kept.
An important benefit of this project was the definition of objective criteria for the use of non-radioactive densitometers as an alternative to radioactive ones. The lack of such criteria favors the indiscriminate use of non-radioactive alternatives, resulting in incorrect applications.
Although the nuclear instrument technology has its advantages, non-nuclear alternatives with similar measurement performance and robustness should be preferred. The goal is to attain a better balance between instrument accuracy and safety liability regarding the use of nuclear instruments.
Sidney A.A. Viana is a specialist automation engineer at Vale’s Ferrous Automation Engineering Department. He can be reached at
The success of this project was possible
due to the effective engagement and
teamwork of many people. The author
acknowledges the partnership of his local
department colleagues, Herbert Mascarenhas, Gustavo Martins, Diogo Pires, and
Gilberto Resende, for their contributions
to the planning and management of this
project. Thiago Rezende (Southeastern
Ferrous Department), Julio Faria and Solange
Nunes (Pelletizing Department), and
Michel Martins (Southern Ferrous Department)
are specially acknowledged for sharing
information about the equipment from
their departments, and for supervising the
execution of project activities on their site
operations. Finally, the author thanks Luciano
de Biasi, Kleber Saldanha, and Kênio
Figueiredo (former engineering managers)
for their managerial engagement and
administrative support.
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