New Filter-cloth Monitoring System Uses RFID Technology
Depending on the scope of the process, filtration can consume thousands of filter cloths per year. By gathering pertinent information with RFID technology, the application can analyze the performance of filter cloths and filter.
“We are able to utilize information on cloth lifetimes, reasons for cloth removal and cloth consumption to optimize the whole filtration process. In addition, this information helps process operators to better monitor the filter itself,” explained Sanna Uusitalo, product manager–filtration at Valmet.
The application uses special equipment and RFID tags that provide information to be used in the follow-up and analysis of the entire filtration process. An optimal process leads to remarkable savings, according to the company. “Savings can be achieved through planned maintenance and reduced filter downtime. The filter cloths and filters will be developed further as more information is gathered about their performance. The application also enables remote support from our filtration experts. By enabling us to see inside the process, the application helps us and our customers to optimize the whole filtration process,” Uusitalo continued.
RFID technology has been in use for decades, but Valmet claims to be the first supplier to utilize it for filter cloths. The company said it developed the application in cooperation with customers and filter manufacturers, and although it is currently being offered just to the mining industry, it plans to broaden its use to filtration processes in other industry sectors.