Trunnion Magnets Reduce
Downstream Damage From
Grinding Media
Eriez said its Trunnion Magnets offer
maximum performance to help extend
pump and hydrocyclone life and increase
milling throughput by as much as 5%.
They effectively remove more than 90%
of worn and broken ball grinding media
from ball/SAG mill discharge. Positioned
at the discharge of the mill, the Trunnion
Magnet consists of an arc of permanent
magnets surrounding almost half of a
blind trunnion extension. As the trunnion
rotates, the powerful magnetic circuit
attracts and holds steel grinding balls to
the inner surface of the trunnion. The
steel balls are carried to the top of the
trunnion where the magnetic arc terminates,
releasing the balls, which subsequently
fall into a hopper and chute. The
units are easy to install, operate and
maintain, according to the company, and
feature a simple design and rugged construction
to withstand harsh applications.
With permanent magnet elements that
require no power, operating expenses are
also reduced.
As featured in Womp 2015 Vol 07 -