Pump Lasts Longer in
Abrasive Applications
Weir Minerals Floway Pumps unveiled
the new Floway VTSP (vertical turbine
slurry pump), which it claims has been
demonstrated to last four times longer
in solids handling services. The patented
VTSP bearing design allows for continuous
operation in applications with a
maximum solid content
of 10% by
weight and excursions
of 20% by
weight during temporary
upset conditions.
This design
results in a longer
mean time between
required maintenance
and an overall
reduction in the customer’s
total operational
costs. “Wear
life is critical in
many pump applications
and the
existing technology
was not producing
acceptable results,”
said Daniel Boldt,
product engineering
manager at Weir
Minerals Floway
Pumps. “Due to the
demanding nature of
abrasive services,
design innovation
was required to realize
a significant improvement
in wear life. After extensive
design work and both in-house and field
testing, the new VTSP product line
demonstrated a notable advantage over
traditional vertical turbine designs.”
As featured in Womp 2015 Vol 03 - www.womp-int.com