Drill-core Orientation Measurement Made Easy
Boart Longyear said its new TruCore integrated core orientation system allows
customers to increase productivity and
decrease spending on consumables.
Compared with other systems, according to
the company, additional extensions are not
needed when the integrated TruCore housing is combined with Boart Longyear’s
outer tubes, reducing the number of joints
and wear on outer tube extension barrels.
TruCore’s unique core marking technology
allows one tool to always be in the hole.
The design uses optical communication to
send measurements to a handheld control
device, allowing the drill string to stay
assembled. The pocket-sized controller
simultaneously controls the two core orientation instruments, increasing productivity
by validating measurements while minimizing errors. Highly visible flashing LEDs
direct alignment, which reduces total
measurement time. TruCore, offered in
sizes BQ through to PQ, is the first product
in Boart Longyear’s emerging line of instrumentation solutions.
As featured in Womp 2014 Vol 09 - www.womp-int.com