ALLU Group’s Mining Series (M-Series) allin-one screener crusher attachment for mining and aggregate is designed to handle a
wide variety of crushable materials, featuring
an innovative processing bucket that converts a wheel loader or excavator into a
mobile pre-crushing and screening tool that
can place crushed material either onto
stockpiles or directly into trucks. Purposebuilt to aggressively engage the material
bank, M-Series screener crusher buckets
enable the load to be crushed and processed in less than 60 seconds, providing a
processing capacity of up to 650 t/h. There
are six M-Series models, each with the ability to produce up to four fragment sizes and
fit 30- to 90-ton-class wheel loaders and 50-to 160-ton-class excavators. The patented
rear-mounted drum and bearing design uses
three or four rotating crushing drums that are
powered by a hydraulic motor.
The hydraulically operated hinged mount
plate on the wheel loader models enables
an M-Series screener crusher attachment
to also be used as a loading bucket with
normal load-and-carry characteristics. Installation of the M-Series screener crusher
includes a wired control panel located inside
the carrier’s cab, which monitors and displays key performance data including
hydraulics, temperature and bucket angle,
as well as providing a link for real-time ALLU
after-sales service. As with standard buckets, the M-Series screener crusher is
designed with changeable wear parts.
As featured in Womp 2014 Vol 07 -