Rebuild or New? Tips for Making the Right Equipment Choice
By Eric Taylor
Track Performance and Service Life
Companies can find out from the manufacturer what the predictable effective
life may be for a certain type of equipment. Based upon this forecast, they
can schedule the appropriate inspection to help them decide whether repair
or replacement is needed. Optimum
operating efficiency and product
longevity depend greatly on the individual piece of equipment and its working
environment. Routine tests can determine when it’s time to upgrade or
replace components or purchase a
brand new model.
Annual maintenance checks can be performed by qualified plant personnel or an outside party. The goal is to limit costly downtime and make sure equipment is operating at peak performance. Once an inspection is completed, the service center will be better able to determine the next course of action, whether this means replacing one component or remanufacturing the equipment to original specifications. In some cases, a total replacement is needed, but that is only after consideration is given to several scenarios to get that equipment back on line.
Consider the ‘Buy New’ Price
Compared to the Rebuild Price
When all is said and done, the price
tag for new equipment may be beyond
budgetary constraints. At Eriez’s 5-Star
Service Center, for example, they have
been able to provide economic guidelines for these products when it comes
to rebuilding compared to buying new.
Research New Features
As time goes on, manufacturers develop
product enhancements that may be
sought by the management team.
Sometimes these innovations can be
added during the rebuild process. Other
times, these improvements can only be
enjoyed if a new product is purchased.
One example of an innovation is related
to suspended electromagnets (SE).
Eriez has incorporated an external oil
expansion tank on its SE models, which
helps prevent coil burnout on oil-cooled
electromagnets, and the company
offers a five-year warranty of the internal coil assembly. This can also be
added to existing designs.
When it comes to magnetic drum separators and scrap drums, one will find that the magnetic power of new magnetic drum separators may be incorporated into the old model. With vibratory feeders, newer designed products now come equipped with energysaving components that should be explored before someone rebuilds or buys new. These should be asked for when a rebuild order placed.
Today’s metal detectors come with software and even smart phone technology that one may wish to consider. By talking to the rebuild facility, one can investigate whether they need to go new or can upgrade their current unit.
What’s the Timetable?
When is the product needed? At Eriez,
it typically takes one to four weeks to
rebuild most products. They may be
able to expedite delivery at a premium
price. The delivery lead time of new versus rebuild will need to compared.
When they have stopped production or
face safety issues that compromise
their working environment, they will
need to find the best answer in terms of
a firm delivery date.
Evaluate the Warranty and the
Vendor’s Reputation
Mining operations entail numerous
pieces of equipment working together
in a seamless operation to bring the finished product to market. Metal detectors, magnetic separators, vibratory
feeders, screeners and conveyors all
play an integral role in many functions.
Mining companies use this equipment
independently or in a comprehensive
flow system to help increase product
purity, preserve downstream equipment
and improve productivity.
Since process equipment represents a significant capital investment, plant operators should perform routine inspections to detect any malfunctioning or underperforming equipment. This procedure helps spot trouble areas, minimizes downtime, and prevents potential harm to plant personnel and downstream equipment.
There are several ways to determine which rebuild facility to trust with an upgrade project. Companies can ask for references from past and present customers or ask their peers who have used the facility. They can also visit the rebuild facility and see first hand the setup and how equipment is repaired and upgraded.
Warranty is also important. Be sure to understand the extent of the warranty before committing whether to buying new or rebuilding.
Eric Taylor is manager of Eriez Manufacturing Co.’s 5-Star Service Center. Eriez is based in Erie, Pennsylvania, USA. For further information, visit