Mineral ID Software Offers Batch Processing
Spectral Evolution said its EZ-ID software
running on an oreXpress portable spectrometer is an ideal solution for fast, accurate mineral identification in the field,
matching an unknown mineral against a
known spectral library—with the USGS and
SpecMIN libraries available. EZ-ID now features a new batch mode capability that
allows geologists to save scan files in a
Microsoft Excel spreadsheet format, a
comma separated file, or a tab delimited
text file. Batch processing is frequently
used to format scans for use with other
third-party mining software; for example,
geological modeling or mine planning. By
default, the output file will show the mineral matches for the spectra with the five
highest match scores. Or, users can set output to specify the number of scores selected and a minimum score threshold. In
addition to batch processing, EZ-ID with
the SpecMIN library now includes enhanced access to mineral information and
bibliography features. It includes an extensive and dynamic library of nearly 4,000
spectra of common and rare species. In
addition to the spectra, EZ-ID now provides
one-click access for each mineral to information on physical properties, occurrences,
chemistry (including formulas), and associations. EZ-ID software, according to the
company, delivers real-time mineral identification for outcrops, in pits, with hand
samples, and is especially useful in fast
and accurate core logging applications.
As featured in Womp 2014 Vol 06 - www.womp-int.com