Twin-boom Underground Drill Rig is Highly Configurable

Poland-based underground mining equipment builder Mine Master’s self-propelled,
diesel-hydraulic Face Master 2.3 drill rig
offers a modular, compact design that
enables the rig to be configured in a number of arrangements to fit site-specific
requirements. The Face Master 2.3,
according to the company, has been used
at more than two dozen projects ranging
from development drilling for block caving
and sublevel stoping operations, to commercial tunneling applications. It is a twinboom rig with 50-m2
coverage, and is
equipped with a power shift four-wheeldrive transmission. The range of options
offered allows it to be configured with dual
telescoping feeders, or one telescoping and
one fixed feeder, or one feeder and one
service basket; a fixed or extendable operator protection canopy; an enclosed, heated and air-conditioned cab; and standard
hole flushing as well as air-mist or pure air
flushing systems. The rigs, Mine Master
said, provide excellent mobility when
maneuvering in difficult terrain or tramming in narrow headings.
As featured in Womp 2014 Vol 01 -