BinMaster Level Controls introduced the
3DLevelScanner HT for measuring volume
and mapping material surfaces in bins,
tanks and silos with high temperatures.
This new model of the 3DLevelScanner has
an operating temperature range of up to
356°F (180°C) to accommodate high tem-peratures that may be present when mate-rial has been heated in the production
process before it is conveyed into storage
silos. The device measures the material
level in multiple locations in the vessel and
estimates the volume, and is claimed to be
ideal for use where there are multiple chal-lenges such as excessive dust or high
humidity, as well as
in very large silos
where the material
surface in the bin is
irregular and difficult to measure.
The sensor sends
pulses in a 70°
beam angle, taking
multiple measure-ments from the
material surface and
continually mapping
the material surface
to detect changes in
level, account for
uneven surface topo-graphy, and calcu-late a highly accu-rate volume esti-mate for the con-tents of the silo. The
3DLevelManager software reports the low-est and highest points detected and the
average level based upon a weighted aver-age of all of the measurements detected in
the bin. For the MV and the MVL models a
color, graphical representation indicates
where high and low spots exist in the silo.
As featured in Womp 2013 Vol 03 -