Heavy rains prevented coal trains from reaching the Port of Beira (above).
Vale declared force majeure on Mozam-bique coal export shipments in Tete
province after heavy rains hampered trans-port operations, according to a securities
filing. In a press release, Brazilian compa-ny officials further cited “operational diffi-culties” since early February preventing
coal from its Moatize mine reaching Beira
Port via the Sena rail line. In all, the com-pany has reported that Zambezi River
flooding thwarted the delivery of 250,000
metric tons of coking coal.
Mozambican port and rail company
CFM “is taking all necessary measures to
re-establish rail traffic, and the situation
should be normalized by the end of the
month,” added the company. Vale hopes to
be independent of the Sena line through a
new railway across southern Malawi con-necting with Mozambique’s existing north-ern line; this will enable access to the Port
of Nacala.
As featured in Womp 2013 Vol 03 - www.womp-int.com