New Options for Mine-duty Screens

Deister Exciter Mechanism
Deister BFO1820 Screen with Isolation Base
Deister Machine Co. has introduced two
new equipment options for mine-duty
screens. The company’s Exciter Vibrating
Mechanism is designed for use with large
linear stroke screens and feeders. Multiple
units can be positioned in series, and
linked by flexible shaft couplings to provide
better bearing life in conjunction with
aggressive G-force. According to Deister,
high-tech CNC manufacturing processes
ensure tight tolerances and precision fits
for the entire assembly, while innovative
seal, shaft and bearing designs provide a
rugged unit that is easy to maintain, especially when combined with the Deister
System Saver Oil Filtration system.
Removable external counterweight slugs
allow for easy output force adjustment
over a wide speed range. The Exciter
Mechanism can be driven by V-belts or
direct drive flexible shaft. Another option
for large screens is the Deister Isolation
Base, which incorporates a secondary set
of support springs, as well as shock
absorbers, further isolating the forces gen-erated by the vibrating screen frame from
the stationary structure.
As featured in Womp 2013 Vol 01 -