Vale reported in early October 2012 that
an additional portion of its iron ore pro-duction in Brazil will be allocated to
increase the supply of sinter feed, consequently reducing the availability of pellet
feed for its pelletizing operations. As a
result, the company is temporarily sus-pending operations at its São Luís and
Tubarão I and II pellet plants, located in
the states of Maranhão and Espírito
Santo, respectively. These plants pro-duced 4.926 million mt of pellets during
the first half of 2012, accounting for
18.3% of Vale’s total pellet production.
Employees at the plants will be reassigned
to other operational activities at Vale.
Vale’s reduction in pellet production
stems from a change in the composition
of steel-industry demand for raw materi-als, where there has been a contraction
in pellet consumption in favor of greater
use of sinter feed. Vale is continuing to
invest in its iron ore and pellets growth
pipeline, remaining confident in the
long-term iron ore market fundamentals
and, above all, in the high competitive-ness of its world-class assets, the Vale
statement said.
As featured in Womp 2012 Vol 11 -