Banro Achieves Commercial Production at Twangiza

Banro Corp. declared commercial produc-tion at its Twangiza gold mine in South Kivu province, eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), in late August 2012. The company anticipates that production initially will be about 8,000 oz/m. Planning is under way for a substantial increase in plant throughput to 2 million mt/y and gold production to above 10,000 oz/m.

The plant expansion project will include installation of a larger mineral sizer/primary crusher to increase front-end capacity, a second elution circuit and gold room, and additional carbon-in-leach tanks to provide appropriate leach resi-dence time at increased throughputs, thereby maintaining planned gold recover-ies at the back end. These modifications are targeted at increasing the plant’s nom-inal throughput from 1.3 million mt/y to 2 million mt/y through one expansion, rather than increasing throughput incrementally via a number of expansions as was originally envisaged.

Twangiza is Banro’s first mine.

Banro’s second mine, Namoya, is now being developed, with production startup scheduled for mid-2013.

As featured in Womp 2012 Vol 10 -