23,000-m Drilling Program at LM West and LM Silver Mines
Silvercorp Metals reports that a 23,000-m drilling program at its LM West and LM silver mines in the Ying Mining District, Henan province, China during the first half of 2012 substan-tially extended the downdip and strik-ing extensions of previously defined mineralized zones within some major vein structures.
At LM West, drilling in the first half of 2012 totaled 17,974 m in 41 com-pleted core holes using six underground drill rigs, and 1,973 core samples were collected. The holes were designed to extend and expand known mineralized zones previously defined in five major vein structures. By the end of June, the company had received assay results for 33 holes drilled in the first half of 2012 and 10 holes drilled in December 2011. Among those results, 35 of the 43 holes intercepted high-grade silver-lead-zinc zones, while the remaining holes inter-cepted vein structures with weak miner-alization or alteration. A high-grade cop-per-gold-silver zone with 4.65% copper and 3.34 g/mt gold over 2.34 m was intercepted in a single exploration hole, which may indicate exploration poten-tial for copper and gold to the west of the current LM West production area.
At the LM mine, a total of 5,024 m in 15 holes was completed by two underground rigs, and 375 core sam-ples were collected in the first half of 2012. Mineralization zones in two vein structures were extended to the north-east and to depth from current produc-tion sections.
Silvercorp is a Vancouver-based Canadian company and is the largest primary silver producer in China, with four operating silver-lead-zinc mines in the Ying Mining District.