W.S. Tyler says its XL-Class vibrating
screen combines advanced drive technolo-gy with a wide body to offer better screen-ing action and more throughput. Larger
than any other vibrating screen from W.S.
Tyler, the XL-Class is intended for high ton-nage production rates, and features exciter
drive technology that ensures smooth oper-ation and high uptime. The linear stroke is
generated by counterweights mounted on
two machined shafts that spin in opposite
directions via two heavy-duty spur gears
attached to an iron casting that mounts to
the exciter bridge. The bridge is the main
exciter support and transmits dynamic
force through the entire structure. In addi-tion to better operation, the exciter design
increases bearing life up to 50,000 hours,
according to the company.
The XL-Class offers screening surfaces
of up to 390-ft
2(36 m^2
), facilitating pro-duction rates up to 15,000 tons per hour
and cut sizes from 1/4- to 5-in. (6–127
mm) with varying degrees of incline. The
XL-Class can be configured as a banana
screen—an approach that can be espe-cially effective when the feed contains a
large quantity of fines that are much
smaller than the opening of the screen
media. To provide added strength, the XL-Class features a Huck-bolted screen body
fastening. Side plates are constructed with
high-strength carbon steel. The area sur-rounding the shaft assembly is strength-ened with a reinforcing plate that ties
together the side plate, screen panel and
shaft assembly.
As featured in Womp 2012 Vol 08 - www.womp-int.com