AEL Solves Blasting Problems with Innovative Products
With explosive sales potential for Africa’s
greenfield mine projects estimated at $500
million over the next five years, mining serv-ices companies need to provide quality solu-tions that yield greater results and ensure
sustainability, according to Wayne du
Chenne, executive director of global busi-ness services, AEL Mining Services.
Speaking at a mining conference held
earlier this year, du Chenne said, “Gone are
the days of being a commodity provider with
a one-size fits all promise. Mining solution
providers need to proactively play an impor-tant and creative role in assisting with solv-ing production, environmental and socio-economic challenges in partnership with
their customers, which is pivotal to con-tributing to future economic growth and sus-tainability in Africa.
“Our R&D department plays a vital role
in keeping our global operations relevant.
Tasked with the delivery of two ground-breaking innovations per year, the R&D
team is actively involved in assisting AEL
engineers and our mining optimization
team develop solutions for specific mining
applications,” said du Chenne, who point-ed out that AEL’s recent list of innova-tions, developed in partnership with cus-tomers, includes a recently unveiled third-generation (3G) Shock Tube Uni-delay
assembly aimed at demanding narrow-reef
mining applications to improve environ-mental performance.
“These specific applications consume
large amounts of shock tube detonators,
resulting in large amounts of plastic waste
which has environmental impact. AEL’s
new 3G Shock Tube Uni-delay assembly
addresses this challenge.
“This product is designed and manufac-tured at AEL’s Initiating Systems Automated
Plant (ISAP) in Modderfontein—a com-pletely automated production environ-ment—and has less plastic components.
Further enhancements are under way to
develop this into a completely lead-free
product that is even more environmentally
friendly. The removal of lead solids from
delay detonator assemblies could lead to a
reduction in negative environmental
impact,” he said.
Stuart Wade, executive director–AEL
Africa, said a “holistic approach” is AEL’s
preferred method for in providing mining
solutions. “For instance, we understood
that extracting platinum at one of our cus-tomer’s underground operations requires an
outside-the box solution, and in terms of
rock fragmentation, uniformity is not always
what the mine requires as there are plant
processing issues.”
In this instance, said Wade, the cus-tomer required both large and small rock
fragmentation to ensure compatibility and a
smooth output from their plant. “With this
understanding, our mining optimization
team assisted us to develop an explosive
solution that ensured that blast results met
the mine’s expectations.
“Sometimes we find that a small modifi-cation to the explosives’ solution makes a
huge difference to blasting productivity,
which exponentially affects the bottom
line,” said Wade, who remarked that “oper-ational agility” in providing custom-made
solutions is a key factor in delivering suc-cessful solutions to the mining industry.
As Wade explained, “Our African experi-ence was invaluable when we decided to
globalize and expand into select internation-al markets over six years ago. We met the
demands of an Indonesian customer in
South East Asia for 10 million shock tube
initiating systems per year from a site that
was set up for production in less than three
months. Our R&D department also devel-oped a tailor-made solution deploying used
oil in its formula to ensure cost-savings and
less impact on the environment." More recently, AEL has invested in plants
in the DRC, as well as Burkina Faso, and has
secured long-term contracts with mining
customers in Egypt, Ghana, Botswana and
Zimbabwe. Looking at BlastLogic, Now One Year Old
BlastLogic is designed to maintain an
historical record of all drilling activity in a
single managed location and interfaces with
supported third-party drill navigation sys-tems. The product is intended to assist
clients in obtaining superior blast accuracy
and performance through intelligent blast
design, made possible by fusing the distinct
data sets associated with mine planning,
drill guidance, field survey, load design
parameters and post-blast evaluation.
Using BlastLogic, collar location and
dimensions are updated automatically from
drill rig navigation systems or field survey.
Dip, backfill and charge sheets are auto-matically generated. Ruggedized tablets
provide electronic data sharing in the field,
extending immediate access to data. Site-defined load design rules are applied across
a pattern and can be further refined on a
hole-by-hole basis.
According to Maptek, BlastLogic is con-figured to site-specific parameters. Preferred
tolerances and thresholds can be established
for the automated validation process, while a
library of blast products and charge rules can
be defined and maintained.
Mark Roberts, Maptek’s manager of blast
accuracy solutions, recently noted that
BlastLogic’s capabilities fit well with a criti-cal trend in the mining industry—the need
for changes in technology that allow time-poor personnel to complete both complex
and routine tasks effortlessly.
Roberts points out that the spatial loca-tion of a drill pattern derived from mine
planning systems such as Vulcan can be dis-played using BlastLogic, along with known
in-pit variations such as as-drilled dimen-sions obtained from high precision drill nav-igation systems, or hydrographical and fall-back data from field surveys.
It provides immediate access to dis-parate drill and survey data that allows engi-neers to quickly adapt a blast design to actu-al conditions in the pit. As a result, blast
performance can be optimized along with
subsequent downstream processes such as
dig rates and process throughput.
Roberts also said that automated func-tionality embedded in BlastLogic allows
users to validate as-drilled holes to design
within site-defined parameters. This proce-dure flags any holes outside of design spec-ification, allowing for quick decisions on re-drill or backfill.
Generation of dip, backfill and charge
sheets by user-defined pattern is completed
at a click of a button. BlastLogic also calcu-lates the required backfill rate. In the case
of a charge sheet, the system determines
the placement, type and amount of explo-sive materials pertinent to the site load
design parameters.
Another useful automated feature,
according to Roberts, is the time-dependent
fallback analysis derived from the collated
dipping data in BlastLogic’s SQL database.
This enables the optimization of over-drill
across a pattern or zones in the pit, given a
known lag between drilling and blasting.
Slightly over a year ago, Maptek introduced
BlastLogic, a new drill and blast accuracy
management system, at its Australian Users
Conference. At the time of introduction,
Maptek described it as a tool that could be
used to increase drill and blast accuracy by
harnessing automated validation and design
tools with an intuitive 3-D interface.
As featured in Womp 2012 Vol 07 -