Study Supports Redevelopment at Obotan
. The current Obotan PFS was complet-ed by GR Engineering Services. The study anticipates construction of a 3 mil-lion-mt/y hardrock carbon-in-leach (CIL) plant, with capacity of up to 3.84 million mt/y for soft oxides.
Gold production is forecast at 205,600 oz/y over an initial 11.2-year mine life. Initial capital costs are esti-mated at $183.5 million, excluding a pre-strip mining cost of $68.3 million. Life-of-mine cash costs are forecast at about $690/oz, including royalties, refin-ing costs and pre-strip mining.
A definitive Obotan feasibility study is under way and is targeted for completion by the end of the second quarter of 2012, leading to a development decision in the third quarter. PMI currently antici-pates start of mine development activi-ties during the first quarter of 2013 and full production in 2014
. Obotan project planning is based on an NI 43-101/JORC compliant estimate of combined proven and probable miner-al reserves totaling 2.26 million oz at 2.32 g/mt gold. A resource update is scheduled for the first quarter of 2012, incorporating the results of 28,800 m of additional diamond core drilling.
The overall Obotan project mining sequence is based on starting operations at the previously mined Nkran pit, followed by mining of satellite deposits at Adubiaso, Abore and Asuadai. The process plant will be located near the Nkran deposit, where 80% of the reserves are located. Maximum haulage distance for ore from the satellite deposits will be 15 km.
Mining of the satellite deposits will be sequenced to optimize ore feed to the mill while maintaining throughput of 3 million mt/y. A mining contractor is proposed for earth moving activities. All deposits will be mined as open-pits, utilizing conven-tional truck and shovel methods.
Annual production of ore and waste will peak at 35 million mt/y, with a life-of-mine stripping ratio of 7.6:1. Approximately one year of waste stripping will be required at Nkran to expose suffi-cient ore to maintain a constant ore feed rate of 3 million mt/y.
The Obotan processing flowsheet in-cludes single-stage jaw crushing, a SAG and ball mill in closed circuit with hydro-cyclones, pebble crusher, a gravity circuit, and a single-stage pre-leach and seven-stage CIL circuit. The process plant design allows for 40% gravity recovery of gold. This recovery is similar to that achieved by Resolute during previous operations. The proposed process flowsheet is also similar to that employed by Resolute.
The PFS assumes spending for the construction of new administration build-ings, temporary and permanent mine vil-lage facilities, a new 30-km 116-kV power line, and the rehabilitation and expansion of the existing borefield.