Flexible Hose Reduces Fitting Requirements
Gates recommends its EFG6K MegaSys
six-spiral wire hydraulic hose for high-pressure, high-impulse applications on underground mining equipment, where its superior flexibility reduces the need for bent
tube fittings. To lower inventory requirements, the hose is engineered with a
6,000-psi (41,368-kPa) pressure rating in
all sizes. An optional MegaTuff super-tough
hose cover offers 300 times the abrasion
resistance of standard hose covers. EFG6K
MegaSys hose is designed to meet all of the
requirements of SAE 100R15, the performance requirements of EN 856 4SP
and EN 856 4SH, and it has a MSHA 2G
Flame Resistance Acceptance Designation.
The environmentally friendly Nitrile tube is
compatible with biodegradable hydraulic
fluids, including polyolester, polyglycol and
vegetable oil, as well as standard petroleum-based fluids. A new, color-coded layline
treatment, used exclusively for MegaSys
hoses, makes Gates hoses easy to identify
in stock and in service.
As featured in Womp 2011 Vol 03 - www.womp-int.com