New Drive Offers Dependable High-Torque Operation at Low Speeds

Force Control Industries’ Two Speed Drive
is designed for applications up to 30 hp
that require a high turndown ratio while
maintaining high torque. Unlike variable
speed motors that lose torque or develop
heat problems at very low speed, the Two
Speed Drive eliminates those problems
with secondary speeds as low as 60:1
while still maintaining full torque continuously.
This drive includes a brake motor
with a low-speed drive built in, providing
precise low-speed control with continuous
high torque as well as high-speed capability
in one compact package. Additional
benefits include the simplicity of a
mechanical drive which is easily maintained
by local mechanical maintenance
staff, and not affected by electrical line
spikes, lightning or other electrical issues.
Totally enclosed units are suited for dusty,
dirty or wet indoor/outdoor environments.
The drive is available in two versions: the
Posidyne air-actuated unit and the electrically
activated MagnaShear model.
According to the vendor, its Oil Shear
Technology is the reason its brakes do not
need constant maintenance, adjustment,
disc replacement, and last up to 10 times
longer than standard dry friction brakes.
Oil Shear Technology is the function of a
boundary layer of transmission fluid in
shear between the friction disc and drive
plate. As the parts come together, the
fluid under shear will transmit torque
between the two parts as well as absorb
heat. This eliminates direct contact of the
friction discs and drive plates during
high-speed slip. Heat from the friction
surface is dissipated as the fluid circulates
to the housing.
As featured in Womp 2010 Vol 10 -