Fog Nozzle Design Offers Longer Service Life
Bete Fog Nozzle’s new MaxiPass L is
claimed to feature the ultimate clogresistant
design with largest free passage
available in a full cone nozzle. According
to the company, conventional low-flow
whirl nozzles use a whirl-vane element
machined from bar stock and have a variety
of slots or holes strategically oriented
to produce a vortex. Typically, the edges
of these critically toleranced features are
sharp and therefore, subject to accelerated
corrosion rates. Corrosion of these surfaces
removes material and this, in turn,
affects spray performance. The smooth
surfaces of the S-shaped MaxiPass L vane
are less subject to such corrosion, and are
made from 316 stainless steel, even in
nozzles with brass bodies, giving extended
nozzle lifetime. In addition, says the
supplier, the S-shaped vane offers larger
free passage than the vanes of conventional
compact axial full cone nozzles,
improving process reliability through
greater resistance to clogging.
As featured in Womp 2010 Vol 08 -