Publication Lists Industrial Computer Components
The latest PC Systems Handbook for
Scientists and Engineers from Cyber-
Research features more than 5,000
rugged industrial PCs, PC components,
monitors, accessories and data-acquisition
products. The handbook, according
to the supplier, is a one-stop shopping
guide to rugged industrial and scientific
computing products, including computers,
peripherals, accessories, data
acquisition, and communications. The
latest edition, Volume 25A, features
new 40-in. models in the company’s
proprietary lines of CyRAQ NEMA 4X
panel PCs and monitors, as well as longdistance
KVMs that operate over the
Internet or fiber-optic cable. New SBCs
and space-saving keyboards are also
included. Other rugged industrial computing
products in the handbook
include workstations, chassis with builtin
monitors, motherboards,
and accessories
such as
pointing devices,
hard drives, removable
drives, video
cards, and signal extenders
and amplifiers.
As featured in Womp 2010 Vol 01 -