Higher Capacity Drill Air Compressor Improves High-Altitude Performance
Bucyrus 49HR drill equipped with 3,800 cfm (107 m3/m) air compressor (inset).
Bucyrus International recently commissioned
a 49HR rotary blasthole drill
equipped with a 3,800 cfm (107 m3/m)
air compressor at a high-altitude copper
mine in Chile—the first of two Bucyrus
49HR Drills with the high-capacity air
compressors that will be delivered to the
mine in 2009. According to the company,
since the mine is situated at an elevation
of 14,763 ft (4,500 m), it’s an ideal
environment for these specially equipped
drills. Air compressors de-rate at high
elevation and in high-temperature environments,
causing bailing velocity to
decrease. As bailing velocity deteriorates,
so does drill productivity. The highcapacity
compressors, with an operating
pressure of 65 psi (448 kPa), allow drills
to maintain target bailing velocity of
8,000 to 12,000 fpm (2,240 to 3,660
m/min) along with optimum radial
clearance of 1 to 2 in. (2.54 to 5.08 cm)
in both high elevation and high
temperature environments. Bucyrus said
drills equipped with the high-capacity air
compressors are also well-suited for
mines with fractured rock strata, where
pressurized air can leak into ground
cracks, causing loss of air volume. The
added capacity offered by the 3,800-cfm
compressors reduces the net loss of air
volume in porous ground, maintaining
target bailing velocity and optimum radial
clearance. In addition to productivity
benefits, Bucyrus said drills equipped
with the high-capacity air compressors
offer potential energy savings for mine
operators. Because these compressors
run at an operating pressure of 65 psi
(448 kPa), compared with 110 psi
(758.4 kPa) from standard compressors,
the drill requires less horsepower.
As featured in Womp 2009 Vol 09 - www.womp-int.com