Comprehensive Hardfacing Product Guide
Stoody, a leading supplier of hardfacing
and joining welding electrodes, has produced
an in-depth Hardfacing and High
Alloy Product Selection Guide that
includes its latest alloys, product descriptions,
application photos that demonstrate
the varied potential uses for the products,
and other relevant information. The guide
includes product packaging and part number
information, and is divided into sections
dealing with coated electrodes and
bare rods, open-arc and gas-shielded wires,
submerged arc wires, and high alloy joining
and cladding. Topics such as metal to
metal wear, metal to earth for moderate to
severe impact and moderate to severe
abrasion, metal to earth for extreme abrasion
and low impact, and abrasion accompanied
by corrosion and/or high temperatures
are covered.
As featured in Womp 2009 Vol 08 -