Stingray Developing Sonora Copper Project
El Pilar project design calls for production of 35,000 mt/y of cathodes over a period of 14 years. The mine plan is based on proven and probable reserves of 229.7 million mt, averaging 0.31% total copper calculated at a cut-off of 0.15% total copper. Open-pit mining will be done by a mining contractor, followed by owner-operated primary crushing, conveying and stacking of ore onto a heap leach pad. The life-ofmine stripping ratio is estimated at 1.61:1, waste to ore.
The El Pilar crushing plant will be sized to deliver 48,000 mt/d of ore to the leach pads by year three of operation. Initial capital costs are estimated at $209 million, including costs for a co-generation acid/power plant. The operating cash cost for the project is calculated at $1.20/lb of copper.