Cat’s New 785D Hauler Features New Body, Higher Performance

Caterpillar’s new 785D rigid haul truck offers a target payload range of 142 to 155 tons (129 to 141 mt) depending on the specific configuration. The range, according to Cat, enables new trucks to integrate well with fleets of earlier 785s. The new truck is powered by a Cat 3512C HD engine that maintains fuel efficiency, delivers 1,348 net horsepower (1,005 kW) and is compliant with U.S. EPA Tier II emissions standards. The engine is capable of operating at altitudes up to 14,000 ft (4,267 m) with no derating; and, according to Cat, the change to a high displacement engine means engine life is extended. In addition to engine improvements, Cat also introduced its X body with the 785D to provide mine specific options (e.g. liners, rail caps, sideboards, etc.) for new sites and contractors. The new body also provides greater volume—111 yd3 (85 m3) compared with 102 yd3 (78 m3) for the available dual slope body. Additional body choices are Mine Specific Body (MSD II) and gateless coal. The 785D also features improved catwalks and a factory installed diagonal stairway. Several improvements on the 785D extend reliability and durability, according to the company. These include a new pump drive system that provides continuous rear axle filtration. Benefits include cleaner oil, less downtime and improved component life. Extended life disc brakes may achieve up to double the wear life of standard brakes and are resistant to glazing—the result is consistent braking power and reduced maintenance. A new air intake and filters have a new seal, which provide easier servicing and lower maintenance costs.

As featured in Womp 08 Vol 8 -