XRF Analyzer is Quick with Results

Oxford Instruments’ new X-Ray Fluorescence (XRF) analyzer, the fourth-generation X-MET5000, is designed to allow accurate and reliable identification of multi-element ores. The X-MET5000 can measure directly on drill cores or the sample can be prepared for a more accurate analysis. A user friendly empirical calibration package allows on-the-spot sample analysis and the universal fundamental parameter analysis mode is available for measurement of ores without known standards. With results often obtained in less than 20 seconds, the powerful user programmable interface enables highly accurate screening for on-site go/no-go decisions. The X-MET5000 is IP54 (NEMA 3) approved for dust and splash protection, and its battery operating time extends for a full work day. An optional bench-top stand enables hands-free operation.


As featured in Womp 08 Vol 5 - www.womp-int.com