Water Clarification System Offers Quick Setup
Designed for applications that require
portability, Clearwater Industries’ new
Model 2000 water clarifier allows operators
to produce clean water from a dirty
water stream immediately, while concentrating
fines and solids to a thick state.
Producers can eliminate the need for
clean water ponds or setting ponds, avoid
trucking in large volumes of water, and
operate at sites where there is little or no
water or suitable site for a settling pond.
Featuring closed-circuit operation, the
Model 2000 is a totally self-contained
unit that delivers up to 2,000 gallon-perminute
capacity, at 20% solids by volume.
The system is complete with an automated
dry polymer feed system, hydraulic
package, control panels, a 40-hp drive
and a hydraulically driven solids discharge
pump that will move solids up to 800 ft.
Ideal for highly mobile operations, the unit
typically requires no more than three
hours for setup.
As featured in Womp 08 Vol 2 - www.womp-int.com