Peabody Advances Clean Coal Research, Mining Technologies
“Peabody is a global leader in clean coal solutions, advancing signature projects and partnerships around the world to commercialize near-zero emissions technologies,” said Peabody Energy Chairman and CEO Gregory H. Boyce. “Coal has been the fastest growing fuel in the world for each of the past five years. We’re pleased to engage in multiple university research partnerships that will help unlock the full value of coal.”
The funds are being committed through
multi-year grants and include:
• $5 million to Washington University in
St. Louis to establish the Consortium for
Clean Coal Utilization, which will develop
carbon capture and storage technologies,
oxyfuel combustion and other
approaches to reduce carbon dioxide
• $2 million to the University of Wyoming
to support the Clean Coal Technology
Center through the School of Energy
Resources. The grant will focus on economic
and energy analysis and will support
the Technology Center’s work in
advanced coal utilization research and
interdisciplinary undergraduate and
graduate programs for energy-related
careers. It will also serve as a catalyst for
technology transfer to key stakeholders.
A multidisciplinary economic and energy
analysis of the Powder River Basin's contribution
to America’s economy will be
part of the initial and ongoing research.
• $2 million to the University of Arizona to
create the Institute of Mineral Resources,
which will develop best practices in mining,
safety and environmental stewardship.
Key research efforts include advancing
mine safety technology and research
on energy-efficient mining.