Mine Planning Software for Stratified Minerals
Gemcom Software International Inc. has released Minex 5.2, a software
package that supports the geology and mine planning needs of mining companies
working stratified deposits. Underground and openpit mining operations use Minex
to support surveying, mine planning and scheduling. The system integrates key
functions like borehole data management, geological modeling, mine planning and
design, allowing its users to make fast, effective decisions by easily sharing
data. New and updated capabilities added to Minex 5.2 include: a full open-pit
mine design suite which generates bench, strip and block designs; a coal washability
module that stores and manipulates coal wash data based on size fractions, density
fractions and yield; an open-pit reserves module that enables engineers to generate
volumes, tonnages and quality of coal and waste layers in their designed mining
blocks; borehole database support for connections to ODBC databases such as Access
or SQL Server or Oracle; and eExtensive enhancements to texture surface draping
on triangle surfaces.
As featured in Womp 07 Vol 9 - www.womp-int.com