FNX to Advance Exploration at Podolsky Property
The North deposit is a footwall type, vein-dominant Cu-Ni-Pt-Pd-Au deposit, open at depth and with potential to contain additional resources, according to the company. The ramp for the North Deposit will be 1,225 ft long and will provide for crosscut drifting into the deposit as well as platforms for extensive underground drilling.
Pending positive results from this work, a decision to go from pre-production development to full production is expected in late 2008. A full production rate of 350 to 500 t/d is tentatively scheduled from the North Deposit in 2009.
The Nickel Ramp deposit is a disseminated sulphide, contact nickel-type deposit. A two-rig, 20,000-ft surface drilling program has been initiated at Nickel Ramp to provide data to facilitate further geological and resource modeling and to refine the planned underground advanced exploration program. The surface drill program is scheduled to be completed in December 2007. Total ramp development at Nickel Ramp is planned for 4,025 ft and is designed to provide drill platforms for a 15,000-ft underground definition drill program and to allow crosscut drifting into the deposit as well as geological mapping and sampling. The objective of the advanced underground exploration program is to define a large, low-grade, nickel contact deposit that can be bulk mined with low operating costs. A production decision based on the results of the advanced exploration program is expected in early 2009.