Lonmin/IFC Partner to Support Black Economic Empowerment
A truck leaves the portal at the Avebury mine, where underground
mining began in January 2007.
Lonmin, the third largest producer of platinum
group metals, has formed a partnership
with the International Finance
Corporation (IFC) to facilitate sustainable
community development and black economic
empowerment (BEE) in South
Africa. The agreement breaks into three
parts: a standby debt facility of $100 million
that can be used to facilitate BEE participation
in Lonmin’s projects in South
Africa; an option for the IFC to invest up to
$50 million in Lonmin equity; and a joint
Lonmin/IFC $5.9-million technical assistance
and advisory services program.
The standby debt facility is available
to facilitate the participation of any BEE
partner selected by Lonmin in any
Lonmin project. In addition, Lonmin can
draw on the facility to fund any of its current
or future expansion projects. The
loan will be repayable in six equal installments,
with the first due seven years
after first draw down, and will attract
interest at 1.5% above LIBOR.
IFC has the option to acquire new
Lonmin shares up to a value of $50 million.
Lonmin will issue new shares to the
IFC following exercise of the option at a discount
of 5% to the market price prevailing
on the London Stock Exchange at the time
of exercise. The option can be exercised at
the IFC’s discretion in tranches of a minimum
of $10 million. The option remains
valid for two years from March 13, 2007,
the date of the signing of the partnership
agreement. Lonmin has committed to
invest the first $15 million received from
the IFC under the equity option in projects
benefiting communities that host Lonmin’s
operations in South Africa.
Lonmin and the IFC will design and
implement a three-year comprehensive
technical assistance and advisory services
program. Included in this program will be
a supplier-development program to expand
Lonmin’s BEE and local supplier
base by identifying new suppliers and to
increase the competitiveness of BEE
companies through training and co-operation
with other regional mining operators.
The IFC will assist Lonmin with fine-tuning
of its gender mainstreaming strategy
and will help the company implement
mechanisms for increased participation of
women within its operations. Lonmin and
the IFC will work together to jointly design
and implement comprehensive HIV/AIDS
prevention programs to enhance existing
programs operated by Lonmin. The IFC
will help Lonmin facilitate local stakeholder
dialogue, particularly assisting
Lonmin to develop further its working
partnerships with local municipalities and
tribal authorities to increase the capacity
to effectively plan and implement community
development projects.